5 Safe Plants for Cats (That Won’t Make Them Sick)

Safe Plants for Cats

Cats are natural predators and love to hunt small animals that move, such as mice and birds. They’re also curious creatures and love to explore their surroundings by sniffing everything and jumping around on the furniture like Safe Plants.

This can sometimes lead to them knocking over houseplants and destroying all your hard work in growing those plants. Here are five safe plants for cats (that won’t make them sick) that you can grow in your home or office that will be safe from your feline friends’ claws, snouts, and paws.

1) Catnip and Catmint

While most cats love plants and flowers, knowing which are safe for them is important. While some cat-friendly plants are safe, others are toxic and can make cats very sick or kill them. To ensure your feline friend stays happy and healthy, it is a good idea to keep him away from poisonous plants.

While there’s no way to guarantee they’ll stay out of harm’s way, knowing what they should and shouldn’t be eating or lying in will help keep them safe when you’re not around. It also helps to get your pet his plant if he likes being near greenery! You can choose one with some nice-smelling foliage or a blooming flower without worrying about harmful effects on your pet.

2) Peace Lilies Poisonous

There are many cat-friendly plants, and Peace lilies are just one of them. These flowers are considered safe for cats, dogs, and humans. The reason? This plant is nontoxic for all three species, with experts pointing out that it’s only slightly toxic to bees!

According to Pet Poison Helpline, other nontoxic cat plants include Sago Palm trees, which look like miniature palm trees, and ZZ plant varieties. However, all members of either group should be kept away from pets due to their poisonous potential.

3) Gerbera Daisies

Many want to know which plants are safe for their cats. This question is especially common around Pet Memorial Day when so many owners reflect on all that their pets have meant to them over time.

Gerbera daisies are an excellent choice they’re nontoxic, meaning they won’t make your cat sick or harm them if they eat a part of it, such as a leaf or flower petal. They also come in colors ranging from white to yellow and orange to red, so there should be something for everyone!

4) Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is an excellent choice if you’re trying to find a cat-friendly plant that’s also safe for your pet. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is commonly used to help soothe sunburned skin or minor cuts, which makes it perfect for cats. And as a bonus, cats love rubbing up against aloe plants because of their prickly spines!

If you want to introduce one into your home but aren’t sure whether it’s safe for your cat, ask your veterinarian if they think aloe is right for your kitty. Some varieties contain latex which can cause allergic reactions in certain cats. However, most cats do fine with standard aloe veras.

5) Kalanchoes

If your kitty loves to climb, you may consider investing in a potted Kalanchoe, which can grow up to three feet tall. These plants are particularly ideal if you’re concerned about your cat swallowing pieces of plant material that might be toxic.

Their toxic effects typically occur when ingested and tend to be mild your feline companion is more likely to have an upset stomach than die from eating a piece of kalanchoe. Flowers are generally safe for cats as they’re usually just mildly toxic; however, it’s best to avoid all purple flowers as these often indicate potentially lethal toxicity.

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