Why You Should Be Concerned About Lungworm in Cats

Lungworm in Cats

Though lungworm infestation in cats is not very common, it can be potentially fatal to your cat if left untreated. You must understand what this parasite is and how you can recognize the symptoms of lungworm infection.

So that you can take action if needed. If you have any concerns about your cat, talk to your veterinarian as soon as possible to get the facts about this parasite and how it affects your pet.

What Is Lungworm?

Lungworm is a type of worm (parasite) that infects the lungs and other parts of the body in cats. The infection is usually caused by eating slugs or snails while still in their slime. Infections can also be caused by ingesting another cat’s lungworms or contact with an infected animal.

Cats’ most common signs of lungworm are coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Treatment for this type of worm is complex because it requires getting medicine into the lungs where the worms reside.

How Does A Cat Get Infected With Lungworm?

A cat can get infected with lungworm by eating a snail, slug, or other small garden animal carrying the parasite. The parasite can also be passed on to humans, so keeping your garden free of slugs and snails is essential.

Signs of infection in cats include fever, lethargy, weight loss, and coughing. If you suspect your cat has been infected with lungworm or any other type of worm, you should bring them in for an exam at the vet.

What Are The Symptoms Of Lungworm In Cats?

Lungworms in cats is a parasite that can invade your cat’s airways and cause various symptoms. These symptoms may include coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, and more. If your cat is suffering from lungworm, you must take them to the vet as soon as possible to get treatment.

Lungworms in cats are most often spread by eating slugs or snails while hunting outdoors. Unfortunately, this means that if your cat goes outside unsupervised, it could quickly get lungworms. Many preventative medications are available to protect against lungworm infestation, including pills and topical treatments available at the vet’s office.

How Do I Prevent My Cat From Getting Lungworm?

There are many ways to prevent your cat from getting lungworm. One of the best ways is to use an appropriate flea and tick prevention product on your cat every month. Protecting your yard by keeping it free of places for rodents or other small animals that can carry the lungworm parasite is also essential.

If you live where mosquitoes are common, you should consider using mosquito repellent on yourself and your pet when they are outside, especially during the evening and early morning hours when mosquitoes tend to be more active.

How Is Lungworm Treated In Cats?

Cats can contract lungworms by eating infected slugs and snails. Symptoms of the parasite include coughing, difficulty breathing, and loss of appetite. Treatment for lungworm in cats is usually a pill that’s given to the cat twice a day for up to four weeks.

Lungworms are fairly common parasites in dogs but can also infect cats. The parasite is contracted when the animal eats slugs or snails infected with lungworms. The symptoms that appear depend on how severe the infection is and how long it has been left untreated. Symptoms can include coughing, difficulty breathing, and loss of appetite.

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