K9 Dog Food

Showing all 2 results


K9 Dog Food

K9 Adult Dog Food


K9 Dog Food

K9 Puppy Food

Original price was: ₨3,199.00.Current price is: ₨2,699.00.

Buy K9 Dog Food at Best Price in Pakistan

K9 Dog Food is the optimum choice for your pup’s nutrition. Our special blend of natural ingredients provide optimal nutrition and are easy to digest. We use only high-quality meat proteins that are full of essential vitamins and minerals to support your dog’s overall wellness and wellbeing, including blend of antioxidants to help keep their immune system strong. Plus, all our recipes are fortified with chelated minerals that help support healthy muscles and bones.

This unique recipe contains minimum amounts of fat and carbohydrate content for a product that’s both healthy and tasty. Our K9 Dog Food is enhanced with probiotics to promote healthy digestion, as well as Omega 3 fatty acids to help maintain skin health in dogs of all ages. It’s also suitable for all life stages, so you can rest assured that your pet’s dietary needs will be completely met. Add K9 Dog Food to your pup’s daily routine today and treat them to the best in quality nutrition.