Cat Litter Trays & Box

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Original price was: ₨1,800.00.Current price is: ₨1,500.00.
Original price was: ₨1,300.00.Current price is: ₨1,000.00.

Get the Best Cat Litter Trays & Box in Pakistan | The Pet Shop

Cat Litter Trays & Box is the perfect solution for your pet’s needs. It features a sturdy, durable design of plastic and metal construction that ensures it’ll last you for years. The litter tray has an angled lip to help prevent scatter while making cleaning up after your cat easier than ever. It also comes with a matching box lid to create a private area for cats who prefer using covered boxes. Plus, the cleanable mesh filter helps reduce dust and odors from escaping through the open top. Not only will this keep your home odor-free, but it will also give your cat some extra privacy! Cat Litter Trays & Box is designed with all cats in mind, so its suitable for any size or breed of kitty. It’s easy to assemble and disassemble, making it convenient to move around or store away when needed. With its attractive color scheme and sleek modern design, this product will look great in any home or space!


Odor Control: Cat litter trays and boxes are specifically designed to contain and control odors associated with your cat’s waste. The trays are equipped with odor-absorbing materials and enclosed boxes have built-in filters and ventilation systems to minimize unpleasant smells. This helps maintain a fresh and inviting atmosphere in your home.
Hygiene and Easy Cleaning: Our cat litter trays and boxes are crafted from durable and easy-to-clean materials, ensuring optimal hygiene. The smooth surfaces and removable components make it simple to scoop and dispose of waste, minimizing the risk of bacterial growth and maintaining a clean litter area.
Privacy and Comfort: Cats are naturally private creatures, and providing them with a dedicated litter tray or box offers them a sense of privacy and security. Enclosed litter boxes create a secluded space where your cat can comfortably relieve itself without feeling exposed. This helps reduce stress and encourages proper litter box usage.
Versatility: Our cat litter trays and boxes come in various sizes, shapes, and styles to accommodate different cat breeds and household configurations. Whether you have a single cat or multiple feline companions, you can choose from open trays, covered boxes, or even self-cleaning options to suit your preferences and available space.
Reduce Tracking: Some of our cat litter trays and boxes are designed with features to minimize litter tracking. They have integrated grids, ramps, or mats that capture and collect litter particles as your cat exits the box. This helps keep your floors clean and reduces the need for frequent sweeping or vacuuming.


Open Litter Trays: Open litter trays are simple and accessible options for cats that prefer an open environment. They provide easy access for your cat and are suitable for cats of all sizes and ages. The open design allows for quick and effortless cleaning, making them a popular choice for many cat owners.
Covered Litter Boxes: Covered litter boxes offer privacy and discretion for cats that prefer a more enclosed space. They have a top cover and an entrance for your cat to enter and exit. The enclosed design helps contain odors and prevents litter scatter. These boxes are particularly useful in multi-pet households or homes with limited space.
Self-Cleaning Litter Boxes: For added convenience, self-cleaning litter boxes automate the process of waste removal. These innovative boxes have sensors that detect when your cat has used the litter box and initiate a cleaning cycle. The waste is automatically scooped into a separate compartment or disposed of in a sealed bag, reducing the need for manual scooping.
High-Sided Litter Trays: High-sided litter trays are beneficial for cats that tend to dig vigorously or have a habit of kicking litter out of the box. The raised sides help contain litter within the tray, reducing mess and litter tracking. They are also suitable for cats that prefer a more private littering experience.
Invest in a cat litter tray or box from our collection and create a clean and hygienic environment for your beloved feline companion. With their practical features, ease of maintenance, and consideration for your cat’s comfort, our cat litter trays and boxes are the ideal choice for any cat owner. Provide your cat with a dedicated space to take care of their business and enjoy a fresh and odor-free home.