cat shampoo

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cat shampoo

0K Cat Shampoo

Original price was: ₨1,400.00.Current price is: ₨1,100.00.
Original price was: ₨2,550.00.Current price is: ₨2,250.00.
Original price was: ₨800.00.Current price is: ₨750.00.
Original price was: ₨1,900.00.Current price is: ₨1,500.00.
Original price was: ₨850.00.Current price is: ₨750.00.
Original price was: ₨1,900.00.Current price is: ₨1,500.00.
Original price was: ₨750.00.Current price is: ₨550.00.
Original price was: ₨750.00.Current price is: ₨500.00.
Original price was: ₨800.00.Current price is: ₨600.00.

Introducing Cat Shampoo: Gentle Care for Your Feline Companion’s Coat

Introducing cat shampoo – a miracle for your feline friend! Our specially formulated shampoo offers superior protection and nourishment for your cat’s fur. It contains natural ingredients like coconut oil,seed oil, almond oil and vitamin E that help keep your pet’s coat healthy and shiny. These key ingredients provide deep hydration while protecting the fur from environmental damage. The unique blend also has the added benefit of repelling fleas and ticks to make sure your kitty stays comfortable and safe. And it smells delightful too! With its wonderful aroma of natural fragrances, our cat shampoo will leave your furry companion smelling nice and fresh. Plus, it’s easy to use; simply apply a small amount of product onto your pet’s fur, lather it up with warm water, rinse thoroughly and voila! The pleasant scent will linger for days. So don’t wait any longer – get the best in cat care today with our all-natural cat shampoo!


  1. Gentle Cleansing: Our cat shampoos are formulated with gentle ingredients that effectively cleanse your cat’s fur without stripping it of essential oils. The pH-balanced formulas are specifically tailored to maintain the natural balance of your cat’s skin, preventing dryness and irritation.
  2. Moisturizing and Hydrating: Cat shampoos often contain moisturizing agents that help nourish and hydrate your cat’s skin and coat. These ingredients help prevent dryness and itching, promoting a soft and glossy coat. Regular use of moisturizing shampoos can also improve the overall texture and condition of your cat’s fur.
  3. Odor Control: Cats can sometimes develop unwanted odors due to various factors, including their natural oils, outdoor adventures, or litter box use. Our cat shampoos are designed to neutralize and eliminate unpleasant odors, leaving your cat smelling fresh and clean.
  4. Hypoallergenic Formulas: Some cats may have sensitive skin or allergies, requiring extra care when it comes to grooming products. Our hypoallergenic cat shampoos are formulated to be gentle and suitable for cats with sensitive skin, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions or irritation.
  5. Flea and Tick Control: Certain cat shampoos are formulated with ingredients that help repel and control fleas, ticks, and other external parasites. These shampoos can be used as part of a comprehensive flea and tick control regimen to keep your cat protected.

Instructions for Use:

  1. Wet your cat’s fur thoroughly with warm water.
  2. Apply a small amount of cat shampoo to your hands or a washcloth, and gently massage it into your cat’s coat, starting from the neck and working your way down to the tail. Be careful to avoid the eyes, ears, and mouth.
  3. Allow the shampoo to lather and penetrate the fur for a few minutes. Take this opportunity to bond with your cat and provide a calming and enjoyable bathing experience.
  4. Rinse your cat’s coat thoroughly with warm water, ensuring that all the shampoo is removed.
  5. Towel dry your cat, and if necessary, use a hairdryer on a low setting to complete the drying process. Ensure that the drying process is comfortable and stress-free for your cat.

Invest in our cat shampoo and make bath time a pleasant and beneficial experience for both you and your beloved feline companion. By using gentle and nourishing formulas, our shampoos help maintain a clean and healthy coat while keeping your cat’s skin balanced and moisturized. Enjoy the benefits of a well-groomed cat with our cat shampoo.